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 Sujet du message: Les jeux chrétiens.
MessagePublié: 05 Août 2005, 08:44 
Le schtroumpf grognon
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Inscription : 11 Avr 2005, 20:34
Message(s) : 959

Allez, on leur envoie Xenogears, Grandia 2 ou FFTactics ?

Is it can be hugs tiem now plees?

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MessagePublié: 07 Août 2005, 05:58 
Parabole Cataclysmique
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Inscription : 28 Avr 2004, 02:15
Message(s) : 467
Localisation : Baie-Comeau, Québec (No wait juste Québec)
Si vous voulez voir de des critiques de jeux vidéos par des chrétiens et pour des chrétiens. Certaines ont été fait convenablement (tout en rappelant que certains éléments sont offensants, surtout à  cause de la magie, de la violence, du langage ou de la sexualité), mais celui qui a écrit la critique de Xenosaga Épisode 1 mérite d'être baffé.

Overall, though I overlooked many things, I thorougly enjoyed most of this game. Many Christians might find much of this material too offensive, and should probably avoid most RPGs altogether. I, however, enjoyed the game, and would recommend it only to strong Christians, who would not be influenced by many of the ideas presented.

Sur Xenogears, par quelqu'un qui a pas vraiment tout compris :
and if you step out of the Christian state of mind and view "Xenogears" as a work of complete fiction (like reading a novel), then it is a wonderful game plot-wise. But you cannot overlook the fact that the plot is utterly disturbing -- to kill God.
While the story is captivating, it can be detrimental to impressionable minds

Dark Cloud :
I?d say play this only if you won?t get led astray.

Star Ocean 2 :
Overall, this game is fairly harmless, as long as the player knows that reality doesn?t work like "Star Ocean". The player needs to know that there is one god, the God of the Bible, and that he would never send "bad guys." He needs to know that magic, in real life, is a sin, and not used like in "Star Ocean".

Silent Hill :
Overall the game serves no purpose but to scare you to death and leave you utterly disturbed, which it does a very good job of. I encourage strong Christians to play this game with a prayerful attitude, but ONLY if it is used as a witnessing tool, or as a learning tool. DO NOT under ANY circumstances play it as "just for fun". Use it for good.

Overall this game is extremely well done, but dark to the core. Since before my salvation I had deep experience with the occult, and with the morbid things that this game portrayed, it did not effect me as it would have. I do not recommend this game for the physically or spiritually weak.

J'adore quand ils parlent d'être "influencé", "perturbé" ou "détourné du chemin" (ou quelque chose comme ça). Ces Chrétiens sont si insécures sur la solidité de leur foi. ^^;

Et rien à  voir, mais vu dans des commentaires de lecteurs sur le site à  propos de Charlie et la Chocolatrie :
Tim Burton was quoted saying of the Roald Dahl story, that there are these "dark subtle messages in the book." But that's a lie. No, Tim Burton! The Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story wasn't dark, YOU MADE IT DARK! You made it dark because you are dark. You are a sick, twisted, man, and I only hope the Lord saves you and changes you.
This film is so very, very dark. The only redeeming factor is that the film has a good moral lesson about the importance of putting family first but the spiritual darkness far, far outways any good. I felt very opressed after leaving this movie. Please do not subject your children to this film. My husband and I sat with our mouths open in unbelief at the weirdness and sickness of this movie wondering out loud who and what kind of sick mind would come up with this film. There was a group of gothic teenagers that were bowed over laughing at the film throughout, if that tells you anything.

Bon, les vraies critiques ne sont pas comme ça, mais ça donne un aperçu de comment elles sont faites.

"Donc finalement je pourrais juste aller, par exemple, sur le thread de judo, et traiter tout le monde de tapettes avec sept ans de retard ?"

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MessagePublié: 07 Août 2005, 11:26 
Saroumane le Blanc
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Inscription : 30 Avr 2004, 22:07
Message(s) : 569
Localisation : Paris XVIII
Fab a écrit:
Allez, on leur envoie Xenogears, Grandia 2 ou FFTactics ?

Plutôt Vampire - Redemption (dans lequel le héros est un Croisé) ou FFX. :lol:

Ce qui est très fort, c'est que dans chacune des critiques que tu cites, le rédacteur semble croire que la majorité de Chrétiens sont aisément influençables. Il dit "only for the strong Christians" comme nous dirions "ne convient pas à  des enfants de moins de 16 ans". :lol:

"De tous ceux qui n'ont rien à  dire, les plus agréables sont ceux qui se taisent."
- Coluche

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MessagePublié: 08 Août 2005, 01:59 
Carambar hypergolique
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Inscription : 09 Sep 2004, 00:35
Message(s) : 970
Localisation : La ville des Lumières
Le chrétien est une chose fragile, sa foi apparement encore plus.

Pour ma part --et ce n'est que mon auguste opinion-- les croyants sont des humains faibles qui ont besoin d'un être supérieur pour se sentir en sécurité.

Meaow, c'est pas la même chose que Miaou ! C'est plus pointu, plus exotique ! Certes, c'est un anglicisme, mais... L'anglicisme dans les onomatopées me va ! Yeah !


Ah, glander n'est pas de tout repos !


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MessagePublié: 08 Août 2005, 06:45 
Parabole Cataclysmique
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Inscription : 28 Avr 2004, 02:15
Message(s) : 467
Localisation : Baie-Comeau, Québec (No wait juste Québec)
Le contraire peut aussi s'appliquer. L'athéiste est un faible humain qui a peur qu'un être supérieur ne gouverne sa destinée. Pourquoi pas ? J'ai justement vu ça dans un article idiot du site http://chick.com (lisez leurs tracts en bande dessinée servant à  convertir les gens, c'est une excellente forme de divertissement... pour les gens non influençables) qui tente de discréditer la théorie de l'évolution. Le problème, c'est qu'ils le font en énumérant quelques erreurs et en parlant d'autres choses qui pourraient prouver le créationnisme. Et en voulant mettre de côté une théorie pleine de trous, ils nous offrent un véritable trou noir. Il est à  noter que leur tract contre l'évolution a aussi été le plus évolutif, changeant d'arguments à  chaque réédition.

Dans la catégorie "Chrétiens fragiles", citons Pat Robertson, fondamentaliste notoire, tombant carrément dans l'intégrisme.
It's one thing to say, "We have rights to jobs ... we have rights to be left alone in out little corner of the world to do our thing." It's an entirely different thing to say, well, "We're not only going to go into the schools and we're going to take your children and your grandchildren and turn them into homosexuals." Now that's wrong.
-- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club television program, September 17, 1992

Et à  côté de sa paranoïa habituelle, cette citation n'est rien. Pour plein de citations à  faire peur, une adresse : http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/revpat.htm

Et voici la réponse à  cette citation...

Sheela Ardrian responds:

"Have you ever noticed how terribly insecure some straight people are about their sexuality? Queers say, "We don't recruit anyone. We can't. Sexuality is innate and not subject to peer pressure." Straight people say, "Be like us! You have to be like us!" And not only that, they assume that the Queer lifestyle is so wonderful that everyone will go running to practice it at the slightest encouragement, even though it brings a morass of guilt-tripping and discrimination. Gee, that doesn't say much for plain ol' vanilla missionary sex, does it?"
-- Sheela Adrian, writer on gender studies, erotica, and alternative sexuality, responding directly to the above quotation in a personal letter to Cliff Walker, October 18, 2000

En plus d'une foi fragile, l'orientation sexuelle itou. Pauvres fondies ?

Et c'est là  que je sens que notre admin préféré va nous envoyer dans un autre sujet ? ^^;

"Donc finalement je pourrais juste aller, par exemple, sur le thread de judo, et traiter tout le monde de tapettes avec sept ans de retard ?"

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MessagePublié: 16 Août 2005, 16:17 
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Inscription : 12 Mai 2004, 18:19
Message(s) : 690
J'imagine que c'est la chose à  retenir, savoir si quelqu'un est faible ou fort...Mais voyez comme Sephira reprend la même mesure que Zohar.
Vraiment, moi aussi, ça me fait rire ces chrétiens qui en somme, sont tellement influençables, qu'ils ne verraient dans braveheart qu'une sanguinolente bataille au lieu d'y voir la foi du héros pour ses convictions.
Puis pour ce qui est du sexe, les hypocrites, voir une fesse dans un jeu, quelle honte...Ils vont se déchaîner le soir venu, des vraies bêtes de sexe croyez moi.

Je suis l'incapacité d'aimer de Jack.

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MessagePublié: 11 Sep 2005, 18:38 
Néophyte en cours de familiarisation

Inscription : 12 Mai 2004, 06:01
Message(s) : 17
Localisation : loin
Kids! Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior and Get a Free PlayStation 2!

This offer is for children and teenagers only! It may not be used in conjunction with any other Landover Baptist salvation offer.

Hey kids! If your Mom and Dad didn't buy you a PlayStation 2 for Christmas, you can still get one FOR FREE! Have you ever heard of Jesus Christ? Well, He's heard of you! And He wants you to have all the cool toys your parents are too cheap to buy! In fact, the Lord Jesus is very upset with your parents that they didn't give you all the latest stuff that every kid in America deserves! And Jesus has got your back, because He is your homeboy! If you've never heard of Jesus, He is an invisible cloud-dwelling deity (infinite lives!) who loves you very much and wants nothing more than to give you a free PlayStation 2!

We here at Landover Baptist Church work full-time as servants of Jesus Christ, and He's told us about you and your predicament. He's also given us special instructions on how He wants us to deliver a new PlayStation 2 to your house. It's as easy as 1-2-3! Understand, Jesus cares WAY more about you than your parents EVER will! They will never love you as much as Jesus loves you! Always remember that. If you hate your parents because they didn't get you a PlayStation 2 for Christmas, He completely understands! He is totally down with that! In fact, lucky for you, in order to follow Him, you are actually required to hate your parents!

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother...he cannot be my disciple." - The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 14:26)

Pretty cool, huh? So, if you hate your parents, you are already halfway to becoming a True Christianâ„¢! Congratulations!

Here is what you need to do to get your free Play Station 2:

1. Tell Jesus that you hate your parents, and that you'd rather have Him for your Daddy. Ask Him to forgive your sins, and cover you with His blood (you'll see plenty of that splattered across your TV when you play your complimentary Grand Theft Auto 3 game!).

2. Find one of your Mom or Dad's credit cards (a blank check is even better!)

3. Call our church office and we will provide you with simple instructions on how to use your parents' credit card to charge a love offering over the phone. Don't worry if you can't find a credit card. We can teach you how to use one of your daddy's checks to do an automatic draft withdrawal (which will get you free shipping and an extra game disk!)

Please note: If your parents ask you where you got your new PlayStation 2, just tell them that your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, delivered it to you via the U.S. Postal Service in exchange for your soul.

Still NOT SURE? Here's More:

Landover Baptist's PlayStation 2 comes with a complimentary modified version of the popular disk, Tony Hawk's Underground. You can upload Jesus' face into the game and automatically unlock all of the cheat codes to "God Mode," so that Jesus can win every single level and perform incredible grab-tricks, spins, flips and stunts!



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MessagePublié: 19 Oct 2005, 15:02 
Maman des Eltanhirs
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Inscription : 28 Avr 2004, 00:47
Message(s) : 1394
Localisation : Maison de tolérance des Plaisirs Intellectuels


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MessagePublié: 19 Oct 2005, 18:58 
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Inscription : 16 Jan 2005, 19:38
Message(s) : 189
Interessant comme les auteurs de toutes les citations, ainsi que de ces jeux et que leurs seuls joueurs appartiennent à  un même pays. Ne faudrait-il pas voir plutôt cet aspect que l'aspect correligionnaire ? Parce que, à  part ces cas "outre-atlantique", je ne pense pas que la religion chrétienne ait une proportion d'intégriste plus forte que la normale.

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